Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Help for veterans

One party likes to send our troops to attack countries that don't threaten us, but likes to treat them like garbage when they come home.

The other party doesn't like to send them into harms way, but when they do go to war, want to make sure they have the resources they need, both in theater and at home.

The Party of No

The Party of No...

No Class

No Brains

No Heart

No Decency


Nice to see Obama call out the SCOTUS for its 5-4 stupidity last week.


Too bad the SCOTUS 86-ed the line item veto.


Glad that Obama has raised the issue of childhood obesity. Let's hope that this issue is treated as the complex issue of socioeconomic class that it really is.

Spending one-sixth of our economy on health care is insane. Maybe we should stop subsidizing high fructose corn syrup.

Community Colleges and Education

Look who doesn't like helping community colleges, and who doesn't like more money for Pell Grants.


One party's idea of a world-class education is taking standardized tests and reading about "heroes" like Pat Robertson and Phyllis Schlafly.


How many of those jokers would be applauding if it was a GOP president lying through his teeth about reasons to bomb another country?

Drill, baby drill

Look who doesn't like clean energy...

Financial reform

We need to undo decades of neoliberal deregulation that led to the housing and financial services bubbles.

Full employment

Full employment is a worth goal.

Outsourcing jobs

Seems like the GOP DOES like outsourcing jobs.

Small business

Judging from their lack of applause, the GOP doesn't like helping small businesses, either.


The GOP only likes "stimulus" if it benefits the rich.

The GOP is filled with socialists. They like redistributing wealth upward, not downward.


Judging from their lack of applause, it's obvious that the GOP is in favor of the taxpayers not getting paid back from bailing out Wall Street.

It also seems they don't like tax cuts for the working class, either.


Anyone who likes conservative (neoliberal) economic policy should go see how it has destroyed the economy in this once-vibrant town.


It's too bad that Obama has had to be the custodian, cleaning up the puke that the neoliberal neoconservatives like Cheney, Bush, Rove, etc. spewed all over the world.

A few facts

Who was president the last time the federal budget was balanced? Clinton.

What president caused the deficit to balloon? Bush.

Who was president the last time we were not in two wars? Clinton.

What president got us into two wars, one of which was a pre-emptive war of choice? Bush.

So, who is most to blame for being in debt and two wars?

State of the Union

OK, I'll be blogging on Obama's State of the Union speech.