Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Here's some info on diabetes, a problem we must treat as both a health challenge and a function of socioeconomic class (there, I said it).

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Short recesses and shorter musings

I'm back after a short recess (compared to last time, anyway).

All I have to say is this:

1. Bureaucracy steals from student learning;

2. Ozzie Guillen is an insane fool for continuing to play Rob Mackowiak in center field instead of Brian Anderson;

3. Can we please, pretty please, devote federal dollars toward an Apollo project to wean the U.S. off all fossil fuels? We can even put Halliburton in charge;

4. Patriotic Americans need to turn out this November and sweep the rotten, warmongering Republicans out of Washington.